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Old Updates

Sept. 23, 2014

Maybe you woke up today thinking, "I wonder what kind of shenanigans Eyes5 is up to?".

I'm working on a Ridley plushie for AGDQ! Maybe this doesn't sound like that big a whoop, but I'm blogging about my progress step by step. Maybe you are interested in seeing what my design process is like. Enjoy!

Ridley Plushie blog

July 24, 2014

Two years since my last update? Sounds about right. I spent two years in Costuming school, after all. And now I'm occupied living my very busy real life which involves making designer pillows and costuming for the occasional movie. Yeah, it's the big screen for me, baby! Hiding behind the big screen, that is. Which leaves me with precious little time to work on plushies and website junk. I might be closing commissions soon, since I've been criminally slow working on them. But I've made progress on the website in the last few weeks. I've finally got an etsy site! Now it's easier than ever to buy ready-made stuff from me. In case you are incapable of directing your cursor to the button on the left of your screen, I've provided a link to new etsy site right here:

July 20, 2012

You may have noticed some site updates as of late, such as the reshuffled front page with fancy buttons at the side, a rotating site banner, and a gallery that doesn't redirect everything to Deviantart. Now I can be a little less embarassed about showing my site to people! Old sections that have been removed from the front page can be found in the Archives.

There is a new tutorial up! It's a video tutorial on how to make Negative Man from Mother 3~ And it's technically not supposed to be released yet since it was made for Starmen.net's summer art bootcamp thing, but I just can't wait to show it off. So some of the links and such are wrong, but I'll fix those eventually. Anyways, even if you aren't interested in Negative Man per se, you can see a lot of my techinques in video form. Check it out here:

January 21, 2012

I have been so busy lately now that I'm in a costuming for stage and screen program. Late hours, unpredictable days, huge workload, experimental techniques. Showbiz, baby. But who cares about that, I've prepared a new tutorial for you guys! The wrist pincushion tutorial is perfect for someone who has experience sewing (perhaps learning from my other tutorials!) and wants to add a new toy to their arsenal. Enjoy~

September 1, 2011

After a consistent biweekly series of harassments since January from people asking for the Scalemate plushie tutorial, it is finally HERE!! So let me know what you think and send me pictures of the scalemates you make! Though if you're too lazy to make them yourself, you can always commission me...

Have you noticed the subtle changes to my site? Just a few organizational things and experiments with html. Some new graphics and things were made by Kyou.

July 13, 2011

Breaking a long hiatus and possibly precluding another one, is page 48 of Birdy and Chimera! Enjoy, enjoy~

In other news, you may have noticed that the gallery and tutorial sections of this website have undergone a bit of revamping. That's cuz I'm preparing for the Scalemate tutorial, which is due to launch late August or September. So keep an eye out for it!

March 22, 2011

A lot of stuff has happened since the last frontpage update! Of course, I've been more or less keeping up with updating my commission queue. But today I've also got a bunch of new plushie photos for you to gawk at, and consider commissioning yourself! Check'em out here.

Nov. 27, 2010

In addition to occasionally updating my commission queue, I've also put up page 47 of Birdy and Chimera! After like a year of not working on it. What do you mean you don't remember what it is? Now would be a good time to read the whole thing over again to remind yourself!

August 26, 2010

HEY BIG THING! I actually have a new tutorial up! A freaking Lavos plushie! It was originally made as a bonus for Starmen.net/Fangamer's Chrono Trigger fanfest, but somehow that kinda fell through. But here it is, just follow this handy link. It's not an easy tutorial though; it's for experienced plushie-makers looking for a challenge.

Also, I've been invovled with the art production for Homestuck over at MSPA and we just released a new music album that has a bonus animation in it. So check it out to see the stupid things I've been working on.

And as per usual, I'm kinda sorta keeping my commissions list up to date, as well as my ever expanding plushie gallery. It's not enough to make an update about on the front page, so it looks like I've been comatose for the last few months. :p

May 29, 2010

Hi~ Remember me? There are a few new items on the buyables section, including a sweet Deku Link and a John Egbert plushie. I finished a few paid commissions recently so I rewarded myself by making a few things that I've wanted to make for a while, but now I'll sell them anyways. Also! Fangamer recently released half of the shipment of Nu plushies that they commissioned from me. But... they sold out in like 6 hours. If you are hankering for one, the other half of the shipment will be released in a month or two, so look forward to it!

May 4, 2010

Man, I should really have some actual content to update with. Where are all the cool new comic pages. I haven't forgotten about them, but I'm prioritizing in favor of paid plushie commissions. That said, there's been a few new creations to look at in the Cloth gallery and the Commissions list is now up to date.

On another note, the idea of starting an art blog has been floating about my head recently. I've always sort of been against the idea of blogs for myself because I feel that it's egocentric to talk about myself if I'm not all that interesting. But I make so much these days that it might be fun for people to view my creative process. Hmmm. At least my site would have some more regular content in addition to sparce updates every two months.

March 31, 2010

Lots of stuff updated that you probably don't care about. Like the commissions update page is now up to date, and my latest batch of completed plushies are now available for viewing in the Cloth gallery. Dark Story also has a bunch of updates.

January 16, 2010

Oh snap, it's been way too long since the last update! I've been distracted by working hard on my plushies and obsessing over Homestuck, which you must consider as a part of your daily webcomic intake. Anyways, sparse pickings by the way of site updates. I've got another page of Birdy + Chimera, and the cloth gallery has been updated to reflect some of what I've been working on lately. I spend a lot of time making old standbys like metroids and Mr. Saturns, as well as a secret project for Fangamer, so it doesn't look like I'm doing a lot but I am! School has also started, so, hoo, busy busy busy.

November 18, 2009

A few small updates in the Gallery, including an updated commissions queue, and a few newly completed commissions showcased in the Plushies + etc. section. There's also a small update in Dark Story.

October 6, 2009

Right right, more Birdy + Chimera. Two pages, in fact. And finally, a Dark Story update, a big one to make up for lost time, maybe probably. Hey, I'm not responsible for Kyou's schedule! And, notice the new banner up there? I got Scribblenauts and I had to draw a metroid with the hat, so I might as well make a new banner.

September. 10, 2009

A lot of my creative juices have been going towards creations for PAX, and now that it's over, I can focus more on my commissions. Hopefully! But yeah, it's not like I've been doing nothing this whole time... check out the Cloth/Plushie section to see what I've been up to.

August 22, 2009

Oh hey, what's up website. I totally did not forget about you~ This time's updates include more Birdy+Chimera and Dark Story.

Apologies for my tardyness, people who are still waiting for their commissions. I started this thing because I didn't have a job for the summer, but lo and behold, I landed a job that took up much of my time. So I thank you for your patience and ask you for more of it. ^_^;;

July 2, 2009

Ack, I've been forgetting to update Dark Story for like a month. That's up to date now. I did a bit of polishing up on the Gallery area, including new Cloth items added. Take a gander at what other people have been commissioning. Birdy and Chimera has been updated with page 39. Updates won't be as frequent as it used to be during Chapter 1 as I'm pretty busy these days.

June 19, 2009

The Birdy + Chimera contest is over and chapter 2 has begun. Check out the bonus section for some of my favorite entries if you haven't been keeping up with it on Starmen.net. I won't be updating this as regularly as I did in Chapter 1 since I've got a lot of other things to do these days. My gallery has been updated a bit if you'd like to sift through it.

June 5, 2009

In the grasp of feverish excitement over the newly announced Metroid: Other M, I've managed to produce another page of Indulgence! Not a page in which much happens, but it's a pretty page, I think. Commissions for plushies and things have been going very well. My customers have been patient with me, understanding the long process it takes to make a plushie, and those who have already received their commissions are giving me very positive reviews. Keep'em comin'.

May 19, 2009

Commissions are finally open! You can now request custom plushies and other items for me to slave over in exchange for currency! Honestly, I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing. I'm worried that I'm charging too much or too little, and that I won't be able to handle the workload. Well, it's time to find out. Check out the Eyes5's Creations section for more information and samples of what I'm capable of doing.

In more mundane news, Broken page 29 is up at long last, in addition to your normal dose of Dark Story.

May 2, 2009

The Birdy and Chimera contest is still going on, so don't forget to work on your no-doubt awesome entry. But of course, I didn't update just for a reminder. I'm reorganizing the site a bit. The two plushie tutorials are now in the new "Eyes5's Creations" section, which will also have a gallery and a section for commissions and buyables (eventually). Yes, you read that correctly! I will soon be accepting requests for plushies and perhaps other art things for you to buy and own! I'll also be putting up a gallery, despite my distaste in maintaining one. Heck, why don't you people just go to my Deviantart site? It'll be much easier to navigate, and probably have more of my stuff (as I won't be putting my cruddier works on my site). The Dark Story section has also be updated.

April 5, 2009

Chapter 1 of Birdy+Chimera is finished now and I'll be taking a break from it for several months to work on other stuff. HOWEVER! There is a CONTEST underway in which you can win your own baby Ultimate Chimera plushie! Check the Birdy+Chimera page for more details.

March 23, 2009

Oh my god, I TOTALLY neglected to put up page 27 of Broken, even though it's been on Starmen.net for months. ;_; Those of you who needed your fix, I hope you found your way there. But now there's the never-before-seen page 28 up as well, so not all is lost.

Adventures of Birdy and Chimera is up to page 34 now. I should warn you to keep an eye on that section in the coming weeks, for something very special is about to happen! I think any Mother fan will greatly enjoy it.

More Dark Story, as per usual. If only Kyou would update faster...!

Febuary 16, 2009

More Birdy+Chimera and more Dark Story (including bonuses). What more can one ask for?

January 20, 2009

I know a few people have noticed that I've been updating Adventures of Birdy and Chimera on the sly... I update too often for me to bother keeping up to date on the main page. But yeah, it's up to page 15 now, holy cow. It also has bonuses and things. As per usual, Dark Story is seeing steady growth. Also, there's some new pictures of Mr. Saturn plushies that other people have made.

December 23, 2008

One more page of Broken... but who cares about that, cuz there's a new comic! If you are a Mother3 fan, check out the Adventures of Birdy and Chimera, which was the result of a mind barf after working on Broken for a week. Broken takes me up to 5 weeks to make a page of, if I work on it every day. Understandably, I went crazy and decided to attempt something that I can churn out in an hour or so, and thus this new comic was born.

People so far seem to like it more than Broken, which makes me simultaneously happy and bitterly, bitterly upset.

Oh, uh, Happy Birthday Metroidhat.com! As the mother who illegitamately bore you a year (and ten days) ago, I'd like you to know that I am very proud of you, of what you have become. I have no doubt that in the years to come, you shall grow into a strong, caring website.

December 12, 2008

More Dark Story. Yup. And page 25 of Broken, finally! I'm still not ready to do regular updates on that yet, but it's being worked on constantly.

November 15, 2008

Lots of Dark Story has been put up over the last month. ...But who cares about that, because there's a new section! The Amazing Halloween Candy Fight! I made this for this year's Starmen.net Halloween Funfest and, although the winners have yet to be announced, I am entirely confident that I will place in first or second. Cross my fingers~

October 21, 2008

Here comes your monthly update. To you I give a meager offering of a new page of Indulgence. Pretty soon I'll be starting up Broken again, now that the Mother3 fan translation is out.

Man, I haven't made any new banners since like, August. They're too much effort for what they're worth, so I guess they'll no longer be monthly, but more like "whenever". And I'll rotate them, again, "whenever".

September 19, 2008

I've been working long and hard on something, and now it's finally done. A Mr. Saturn and Starman plushie tutorial! You all know what Mr. Saturns and Starmen are, right? They're from the Earthbound/Mother series. And as a bonus, I'm selling a few of the plushies! Get 'em while they're hot, cuz I only got three.

August 19, 2008

I'm half a month late on this update but I've been busy with a mess of stuff. Here, enjoy a new banner and a bit of chapter 9 of the Metroid Manga. Where's chapter 8, you ask? I don't know!

July 22, 2008

Pages 23 and 24 of Broken are up, and those will be the last pages for a while. I'm waiting for the Starmen.net translation to come out before I post any more. I want to be sure that the names I use and my understanding of the plot is accurate. I'll still work on more pages so I'll have a good supply once I start updating again. Also, I fixed up the archives section to include my old monthly banners.

June 30, 2008

Pages 21 and 22 of Broken are up. I also fixed a few small things in Storytime of Epicness, mostly typos and formatting errors. Man... going back and rereading that is always fun. I can't believe I did all that work. Oh oh oh, and a new banner for July. I think this one's so cute. ^_^

June 12, 2008

A sizable update this time around, with chapter 7 of the Metroid Manga and two new pages of Broken. Starmen.net is nearly caught up to Metroidhat.com in Broken pages, so regular updates can now continue. That is, until I run out of sequestered pages!

June 6, 2008

A bit late to the update... New banner... And a new page of Indulgence! In addition, Kyou's Dark Story is now up to date, but unfortunately, it looks like he won't be updating at a timely manner anymore. :( But on the good news side, my old translator contacted me! Looks like I will be able to provide more Metroid Manga translations sometime in the future!

May 10, 2008

There we go, chapter 6 of the Metroid Manga is now up. Chapter 7 should be up some time in the near future, but I make no promises for chapter 8 and beyond. My translator only got that far. I have to run around looking for a translator again. :(

May 2, 2008

May banner! Also, just a small update. Enjoy Broken page 18 because it probably won't be updated for a while. Starmen.net just started uploading my comics to their site, so I'm waiting for them to catch up to what I have posted. Also, Kyou's Dark Story has a small update. I wish he'd work faster.

April 22, 2008

Broken page 17 is up. Move along, folks.

April 15, 2008

Oh man oh man, the entirety of Chapter 5 of the Metroid Manga is now uploaded. I was stuck on this one page for the longest time because my original translator missed a few conversation bubbles but I can't seem to get ahold of him these days. A big round of applause and hugs and kisses and sexual favors for scholarlyphases and Kragun who helped me out. Chapter 6 should be coming very soon, although I like spacing out updates. I know for sure that I want to update Broken page 17 next Wednesday, so the manga might wait for a bit after that.

April 3, 2008

Well now, this is a treat. Metroidhat.com now proudly archives Kyou's forum adventure: A Dark Story, for everyone's enjoyment. Following the same format as my Storytime of Epicness, A Dark Story focuses on a mysterious man who finds himself in a pristine city surrounded by an eternal snowstorm. It's worth a checking out.

Happy April. New banner time.

Mar. 24, 2008

Hello hello, today I present to you a rare occurance: an update of Indulgence. Due to popular demand, page 6 of the fanservicy lesbian extravaganza is now up. In addition, I've finally made a banner for the section. By the way, let it be known that I have not been idle for the last few weeks, but have been working on many a page of Broken. I'm just not uploading them at the time for a variety of reasons. Rest assured that when the time comes, there will be a steady deluge.

Mar. 2, 2008

So March snuck up on me and made me go "Oh snap! I have to update the banner!" So I did. And I also got a new page of Broken.

Feb. 24, 2008

Broken pages 14 and 15 up... 14's been up for a while actually, but I'm too lazy to update the 'updates'. Also, I made a little something extra in the Storytime of Epicness's bonuses section, so check that out if ya want.

Feb. 15, 2008

Broken page 13 is finished. And I've also added lots of pictures to the Photo section of the metroid plushie tutorial. People are making metroids now and sending me pictures! Send me yours if you want to be included! <3 for all of you! Speaking of which, happy Valentines day, all. Hmm, I should have made a Valentine-themed banner for the front page.

Feb. 10, 2008

Two pages of Broken! These take forever to make, but I guess I'm on a Mother3 kick right now, what with Smash Bros. Brawl coming out soon. Lucas... poor Lucas... And it's so awesome that he has Claus's color for a pallet swap! XD Ah, and I've also added a section for making metroid hats due to the popularity of it. It's sort of slapped together, but eh.

Feb. 01, 2008

New month means a new banner! Also, I made the Metroid Manga section easier to browse with the addition of frames. Then I added a few pages to the scanlation. Then I put up one page of Broken. Enjoy!

Jan. 29, 2008

Ah... After an 8-month long run on the Platformers forums, The Storytime of Epicness section is finally completed. I'm really happy that it's over since it was taking so much of my time. It's also good to have it so I can look back on it with satisfaction at a job well done. Now I can devote myself to my other two comics and maybe new fanarts. Or school, which I have been neglecting somewhat.

Jan. 10, 2008

Now the Broken comic has a new layout and new banner. No new content, per se, other than the continuously updating Epicness section, which I'm hoping to polish off soon. But word about Metroidhat is being spread on various avenues of the internet, including Destructoid and Joystiq. Joy!

Jan. 8, 2008

I've added a section for Indulgence, my own Metroid comic. There's also a thread now for comments and help and stuff about the metroid plushie.

Jan. 4, 2008

The Storytime of Epicness section is now up to speed with the current updates on Platformers.net. From now until it's over, it'll be updated along with the thread where most of the action takes place. I've put frames in the Metroid Prime comic section. So far I'm really liking it; I don't get all the hate against frames. I also made a banner on the Metroid Manga section.


Jan. 2, 2008

Hwa, the metroid plushie tutorial section is more or less complete! Hopefully people will find it useful. I'm considering putting frames in a lot of the comic sections for easier navigation, but people are telling me that it's a bad idea. I think I'll go ahead with it anyways, at least try it out for now.

Jan. 1, 2008

Happy New Year! Like the new banner? This year is the year of the metroid. If you are born on this year, you will be flighty but determined. You are an expert at overcoming obstacles and nothing can keep you down. You might be deterred and overlooked, but when people least expect it, you will make a comeback better than ever before.

Updates...Um, Epicness stuff, oh, and another chapter of the Metroid Manga is up!

Dec. 21, 2007

I now have an adorable banner that is both fitting and misleading. I also made a return button and a banner for the Epicness section. Most of my effort is going into Epicness stuff, but I'm not even 1/3rd through all the material I have on it.

Dec. 19, 2007

Yesss, the bad ads are gone and the moneymaking ads are in! I've already made a dollar. The Epicness section has received a lot of content. I'm basically spiffying everything up that I can for now.

Dec. 18, 2007

Added a section for Storytime of Epicness and for the metroid plushie tutorial that I'm working on. Also added About, Links, Contact, and Archives sections. I'm working on removing the godaddy ads so I can add my own moneymaking ads...

Dec. 16, 2007

I put up the sections for the Nintendo Power Metroid Prime comic and the scanlation for the Metroid Manga that I've been working on for the past year or so. Only Chapter 3 is up for now, but I should think that the rest of the chapters should be up one of these days. The first few pages of Broken, my Mother3 comic, are up. Who knows when I'll get this done... I also made buttons for each of the comics yay.

Dec. 13, 2007

So I bought Metroidhat.com as I always wanted to, and am in the process of relearning how to make a website. The ads on the top are annoying, but until I can be bothered to figure out a better hosting option, they will remain there, silently mocking me.